Then I'll put the washing on
Coz it's cheaper after midnight
As the rates comes tumblin' down.
Or so I'm led to believe.
Tumblin' down?
I don't even HAVE a Tumble Drier!
Rumblin' Tum - deffo! Cure that with a Chinese as I watch The Killing.
And then it's Washing Hour.
And I cry more, More, MORE!
And I don't even HAVE any peanuts either!
Cure THAT tomorrow with a trip to the new Sweetie shop and some Reece's NutFiddler bars.
Or them new Mars Triple Choc Limited Editions.
And I just bet as soon as I bite into the chocolatey treat, it'll drop & smear all over me nice new washed top.
Then people will be wondering why I've got all shit down me shirt.
Good job it ain't toothypegpaste! It'll be like Midge's jizzmouth lippy all over again.
I don't need a mirror!