Never mind Space Monsters masquerading in Edgar Suits, now not even the oceans are safe!
For Space Monster Globsters have taken to the wearing of Whale Suits!
Great big feck off betentacled hairy Shoggoths, lurking about in mammalian collagen diving suits, inflating ladies lips as buoyancy aides and worrying the squids.
Hence the 'trout' pout! Collagen extracted from Dagonese fishfolk & icy wasted pseudopodic globolous masses being injected to give the plumpest, fishiest lips.
And the ones on the face are just as bad!
And not content with covering up aquatic spacemonstery, it turns out that New Delhi is overrun by simian supersoldiers bred by Stalin to prowl Indian rooftops, tossing off the women.
For apparently all Indian women sleep on rooftops.
And judging by the quality of their cheap, efficient IT coding (that I have to either fix, rewrite, or bodge around) the murderous monkeymen work in vast code factories. Literal code monkeys slapping their... keyboards... to try and churn out the works of shakespeare, and passing off the rejected randomly generated output as a program 'as per requirements'.
I'm all for Muders In The Roo Morgue¹ but taking pakistani pongo-pymæus and glueing a pair of torches on their bonce to toss off ladies isn't quite as good as murderous muslim monkeys doing dodgy things with a chimney.
A chimney, according to the urban dictionary, being a black chicks minge.
Presumably a chimey up to the roof, where these nudie black indian women sleep before being tossed of by pod primate-people from the planet Mars!