Tuesday, 10 July 2012

Fapty shades of greyscale fappery...

You know that so-called Erotic Literature book what all them women's are frothing at the gash for?

Well, that there Modern technology has come up with an e-Fit of sexual magnet Christian Grey. Dr Faye Skelton, some pioneer of composite technology (and doesn't get out, much except to buy ladyfap publications), has used the very latest in image-generating software using descriptions of how women said they imagined protagonist Christian Grey, to create an image of the dominant sadist:

Are you creamed up then girls? Fancy a bit of chainy whippy bondage submission to this character... hold on a minute... is it me, or is that the love child of John Travola and Val Kilmer?

Danny Zuko in a Batman outfit, not making lurve, but fucking. Hard..
Sounds like a Red Room Of Pain to me!