Subsequent investigations into the porn again pervitor hath revealed his lecherous liking for the larger lady.
When the Katie trollop opens the fridge, she's clearly putting her fresh fish into the freezer - yet the creepy caniform from the chiller cabinet urges her to stuff her great fat face with fish in the form of a pair of ready meals.
Poor Janice is out having a meal, and the unsavoury ursus maritimus is on a nearby table (no doubt on a date with Katie, feeding her up into a right bloaty whale), and while his date is off powdering her nose (and Janice's has popped off for a poop), he's trying to pork her up with a big bag of prawnography!
Imagine that on Come Dine With Me!
A stuffed toy feeder, giving his strumpets a large fishy portion!
"Hey Babe - get this battered cod and chips down your neck. Yo mama! Shake dat big phat booty! I'm a north pole nanook of the family Ursidæ - I'll dress you up in a fetishistic Star Trek outfit and you can be my Nyota Uhura...
...aaaarrrggh! Transporter malfunction and replicated cloneage! Sulus! Thousands of 'em! Frightening Kirk and putting the willies up everyone else! Don't fire that phaser till you see the white of their bukkake!"
...aaaarrrggh! Transporter malfunction and replicated cloneage! Sulus! Thousands of 'em! Frightening Kirk and putting the willies up everyone else! Don't fire that phaser till you see the white of their bukkake!"
Meanwhile, upstairs, Katie and Janice are getting rampantly rogered in a Ménage à trois with that Foxy Bingo chimera. "Two Fat Ladies... chubby chaser paradise!"
Or something.