Thursday, 17 January 2008

An everyday tale of life below stares...


I got technology...

...and isn't it great. Minimum THREE HOUR charge to get it up and running. And in order to use it, you have to register it. And in order to register it, you have to sign up to Apple Stores and give 'em your bank details, even though you're probably never gonna buy owt off 'em!

Surely technology is supposed to make everything simpler. Instead you spend a million years downloading, ripping and tearing yer hair out! Ever wondered why a lot of IT guys are a tad baldy? It's coz they works with technology!

Now, there is one of them adages that waffle on about how, with all this modern technology at our fingertips, does it take the same amount of time to clean the house as it did when Sherlock Holmes was about?

This is a rather flawed notion, for today, even with all the modern gizmos, you have to get up off yer arse and do it yerself. Back then, it was all done by teams of  servant girls - it just appeared to be done quicker coz of the many hands at work. Which always left the Masters hands free to roam about the personage of them scantily dressed maids. house could do with a bit of a clean...

Any volunteers ladies...?