Wednesday, 9 January 2008

Revolutionary biscuits of Italy...

...rise up out of your box
you have nothing to lose but your wafers
yum yum yum yum yum.

Everyone in the land, turn your ploughshares into swords and swarm like a behemoth on the tide and storm the Bastille of ITV.

You can't sack Reg from The Bill! Reg IS The Bill!! Why, The Bill without Reg is like Dead Fly biscuits without the raisins!

Now, when I was a nipper, it was custard cream, bourbon, rich tea, pink wafers, digestive, and the Hob Nob. Now, you can't move for biscuits!

Or cookies, for them wot like to pretend theys Americans.

Soft bake, chewy, light and crumbly, with/without choccie covers, and a host of wacky ingredients. Blueberry chip, ginger and gazpachio, ham and pineapple!

Grrrr - there are strange people about, and they live in cafe's, coming up with daft combos that become popular. Like Ham/Gammon and Pineapple - on pizza, or with chips. BUT... ham and pineapple don't mix.

am is a main course, pineapple is dessert.

You don't serve up lasagne and custard do you!

Or Bangers and Pomegranite.

I'm all for trying new stuff - but not when it doesn't go. Take Sweet and Sour - someone just bunged their afters in with a main course! Come round mine - I'll lob a trifle in the corned beef hash!

I'll stick with my Peake Frean Trotsky Assortment, wank you very much!