Before I took meself off down the boozer for Vix b'day, I got to see half of a documentary on Sasquatches.
Apparently, there's thousands of 'em, rampaging about the North American forests, but because the forest is so dense, they're rarely seen.
That's no excuse for not finding large footed Arthur Apods.
I've watched Police ! Camera! Action! All they need to do is fly a chopper over the woodland and use the night vision cam. If carjackers show up like neon x-files type space beasties, surely a forestry yeti would stick out like a sore thumb!
Or a sore stubbed big toe!
I don't reckon it's apeoids at all. I reckon when Phineas T Barnum passed through Wisconsin, the Bearded Lady nobbed some local yokel, and the shaggy offsping was left in the wild, like Pappa Jupe. Only it got raised by wild deer. Bigfeet are simply the offsping of the Freak Show's dirty little secret.
Honestly, who'd name their chile Phineas? Sounds a bit like Funny Arse to me! There was Phineas Fogg, who changed his name to Willy and pretended to be a bear to go round the world in 80 days.
Wait a minute... that's no abdominal snowman - it's Willy Fogg, the furry traveller, as he races through the Amazonian piney ridges to get to the next leg of his journey.
And at the end of that leg is one huge foot! A Big Foot...
I really must sit down and rewatch The Legend Of Boggy Creek...