Saturday, 17 November 2012

Ah said, you like it, you wan' it, it won't be in your hands...

Steve Jobs would be rebooting in his grave!

I went into The Apple Store t'other day to buy an iPad Mini.

Now, the most perplexing thing about the Apple store, is that there is no service point.

Nowhere to queue, nowhere to pay, nowhere to take your purchases, or even enquire about making a purchase.

I'm amazed they actually make any money!

Seems you have to track down a Travelling Saleperson. One of them that wanders about the store, studiously avoiding anyone with a question or purchase, and hastily foisting themselves on some schoolgirls busily using Facebook in store, in the hope of them meandering off and leaving themselves open for frapeage and the theft of illicit pics they've messaged to their mandems. or something.


Anyhoo, if you ever luck out, and get through the throng to get the attention of one of these carriers of iPads and EasyPay lanyards, invariably they are out of stock.

"Oh, you wanted one of those? Sadly, those are out of stock. Can we interest you in this much more expensive top-of-the-range version, with ALL the bells and whistles?"

No, I don't want to have a million squid iPad - I wants the mini-one. Not the budget one, not the top end on, the one in the middle.

"Oh, Sir. We only have Top End ones. And they're gone now. Call again tomorrow. And the Day after tomorrow. And the day after the day after tomorrow. We get new stock in every day. Apart from the item you're after. We DO have PLENTY of Top Spec ones. You SURE you don't want one?"
