Sunday, 18 November 2012

Twinkie, Twinkie, little [moneygrabbing up]star[t]...

So, the company that makes cream filled sponge rolls have gone bust, and Americans are snaffling up lots of boxes while they can, with the aim of flogging them on later for £1,000 a piece.

Now, I tried a Twinkie from that there American Shop opposite WH Smith, and it's not all that. A expensive naff bit of sponge with some manky faux cream in.

But, hey-ho. Them Yanks'll buy anything at any price.

But some of their reasons do give me a bit of a worry.

"I could really use the extra money since I'm unemployed" said a workshy gormster, who presumably earns enough cash to buy lots of boxes of Twinkies. Stop the scounger's dole money! He's earning enough to buy luxuries... and earning more cash flogging them off!

"No matter what, I figure I am getting sugar off the streets" said a keep-fit gormster, flooding the streets with Twinkies at extorionate prices.

What worries me is the cream - I mean, leave it out on the shelf for an hour, and it goes all crusty and yellow. Immagine how rancid these'll be, sat in the Floridian heat for weeks waiting for supplies to dwindle, so you can make a mint on supplying the rare treateries.

Then again, the firm is being auctioned, so some other confectioner will snap up the business, meaning that the iconic Twinkie remains on sale, rendering the creamy dealers "investment" obselete.

Mwah ha ha ha ha!