Oh dear.
I will never understand "normal" folk. Thems illiterate Jeremy Kyle fuckwads what fink dey noes evrifink, innit.
On the one hand, we have the retards of the EDL, protesting about Christian bookshops being banned (omitting the fact that the God-botherer was handing out anti-Islamic leaflets. and that Christianity isn't even English).
And on the other, the retards of We Are Norwich, protesting that the EDL are being allowed to protest.
I would organise a counter-counter-demonstration, that protesting against protesting is a childish tit-for tat wind-up and excuse for a punch up, and shouldn't be allowed.
But I won't, coz I'm not a clueless ill-informed tosspiece getting my facts from Heat Magazine, The X-Factor, and I'm Allegedly A Celebrity Honest I Was Guv Really.
Nice to see We Are Norwich behaving like Nazi's and proud of it.
"EDL go home! Whose streets? Our streets!"
Yeah - just replace the word EDL with Jew, Blacks, Muslims, etc, and you're well on the way to firing up the ovens.
But what do I know - I'm just a cheeky rude fucker.
Who's Evil.
And not nice.
Because someone said something funny about themselves, and I laughed.
Oh well...