You know that awkward moment when you go to the bus stop, bus shows up 10 mins late, and you get on, then once everyone's on, the driver starts tinkering with his frontal display, and you set off, engrossed in book/iPod until 15 mins later you hear "oooh, driver's going t'wrong way again" and you look out the window upon an undiscovered vista, and eventually he gets back on the right route and you heave a sigh of relief, then you look up and he's suddenly turned off-route, and you end up heading further away from home, then you realise you're heading BACK into the City, and it's now pissing down, and you end up back where you started and have to wait for ANOTHER bus in the gale force wind wetness? And you eventually get home an hour and half after you got on the bus to go home in the first place.
That awkward moment?
Yeah, that.
That's me, right now.
Firstbus Worstbus. Couldn't organise a shit in a lavatory. Even if provided with professional pooing pretties.
And one cup.