Tuesday, 29 January 2013

Cisterns are doin' it for themselves...

Holy moley!

Remember not so long back, I posted on the topic of the Gentlemen's ablutions of a lavatorical  nature.

Well, new signage is up in The Gents.

First, there is a sign stating
"Please ensure the door is
shut and you are in the
cubicle before making your
disgusting noises."

Fair enough - there are men who treat logging off as a women's tennis match with all the grunting, sighing and other ejaculations that's involved in beating your balls with a stiff racquet. or something.

But that's not the odd sign. This is the odd sign. Above the flush on the toilet:

Can you read that sign? Let's just take a closer look at it, shall we (shall wee?)
What the... really?

Seriously dudes - do we really need a sign to inform us that bogwater is not drinking water?

What boggles the mind is that someone thought this disclaimer necessary! Has someone been caught lapping up the pan? I know that some of the messages have been posted by the nearby Pretty disgusted by sounds of splattery fartage or whatever - has she been going in, putting up her posters, and suddenly finding herself all horny in the forbidden realms of man's lair, locked herself in the cubicle, sniffing for cock and and got caught drinking dongler discharge from the bog bowl as she floods the floor in flange fluid as she faps over imaginary golden showers?

Not drinking water indeed!