Apparently, there's a lot of confusion over the Ariel Liquitab advert. What the feck is going on? It makes no sense? It's stupid! Which one's the mom? Christ I hate that fucking advert! Oooh, that one on the left is quite cute, actually...
Well, that's because most people are Gormsters, and nowhere near as clever as The Xym. So, here is Xym to walk you through what's actually going on here.
OK. We open on a shot of a couple of student girls in the communal Launderette. One is sat on a chair, totally disinterested in her dumb blonde friend. You can tell she's thinking "Oh fuck, here she fucking goes again, the thick cow"
"So, it's usually when I want to wear my favourite vintage dress that I realise maybe I should do my washing a bit more often"
Uh-oh! Blondie's friend has suddenly taken an interest! She's looking a bit guilty there... what's that Blondie just picked up? Oh dear - looks like someone's just been caught out borrowing her airheaded friend's best frock to go to a party.
"'cause it's covered in all these weird, mystery stains."
Shit! Found out! And she would have gotten away with it too, if it wasn't for her pesky bezzie noticing that it was all covered in spunk weird, mystery stains.
"I'm like, what is that? Coffee Right?"
Guilty! Far to quick to claim "Probably". Look at that knowingly smug expression on her face after saying probably. She knows damn well that's not coffee... and she can't believe her dumb blonde friend doesn't realise she wore the dress to a student orgy and hid the Boston Pancaked raiment in the washing, hoping she'd just shove the Monica Lewinski'd dress into the washer, and not rummage through the linen noticing spunk and fanny batter splattered all over. Coffee my arse - that's a shitstain from when the knickerless nympho crapped into a cup. probably.
"So anyway, Mum sent down this Ariel stain remover stuff..."
And just look at her friend sigh in the background! Christ does she find her mate boring. This is a case of please just shut the fuck up about your dress you boring, vain, fucking bitch as she ignores the endless whittering about washing.
" put in the wash with Ariel, and it's like, twice as powerful apparently!"
Oh no, Blondie's turning to her friend! Her friend notices and snaps her head back with an "I'm really interested, honest" expression on her face, as if she were paying attention all along! In reality though, we all saw her being bored shitless. She really doesn't like this self-absored woman one little bit, and Blondie is totally oblivious to it!
Oh, how sincere is that! The eye rolling, the head roll. Yes, someone certainly thinks this is really brilliant. Continue with your enthusiastic diatribe on washing tabs. Please, go on, do!
"And now the stains have gone, and I've got my vintage dress back!"
And she turns to her friend, who is open-mouthed in shock at almost being caught out mocking the empty headed fashionista again. Luckily, she quickly alters her demeanor to look like she's all excited too...
..and sticks two thumbs up, once more in a totally sarcastic manner. And Blondie still doesn't get the hint. And so, the advert is over...
Blondie mugs to camera, happy with her liquitabs... whilst her so-called "friend" is clearly thinking "Thank fuck that's over, perhaps the bitch'll shup up now!" and dreaming of which outfit to pilfer next from her posh mates expensive wardrobe for her next nymphomaniac ball.
So, the moral of this tale is.. .um... if you buy Ariel Liquitabs, you'll be blissfully unaware that your best mate is using you to gain access to your wardrobe, seduce and bed your boyfriends, and constantly mocking you behind your back and feigning friendship when you look at them.