Friday, 22 February 2008

Doan push me...

John J Rambo's latest extravagana seems to be not much, not much, not much then BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM and limbs everywhere, heads a-shattered, with nowt but a bullet in the shoulder.

And it's all in Burma. Now, I can certainly see why El Presidente is up in arms (or blew off his arms in this case) over his portayal of Burma! Makes it look like a free for all Battle Royale of rape & genocide, when all Burma stands for is get ready for nobbing.

As all the world knows, Burma is an acronysm for Be Upstairs Ready My Angel, in much the same way as Norwich is an acronism for Knickers Off Ready When I Get Home.

Of course, the pedants will notice that it actually spells out Korwich, but you have to bear in mind that the people of Norfolk call Norwich Norridge. As well as calling Costessey Cossie, and Wymondham Windum. Not to mention Happisburgh (or Heys Bra as it's affectionately mispronounced).

Strangely though, Old Catton isn't pronounced Alcon.

None, of which, defends spelling knickers without the K (although Kay without her knickers is probably a regular occurance down Riverside, or so I'm lead to believe).

If you're going to have acronyms, use words that fit! Every one seems to blithely accept that the N stands for Knickers - why not use a word that starts with N? Nightie Off Ready When I Come Home? Nob/Nips/Nadgers Out Ready When I Get Home? Naked Outstretched When I Get Home? Nannies Orifice Ready When I Get Home?

And I've barely started! But Nooooooo - the best East Anglia can come up with using their webbed fingers is Knickers, cos it's got a silent K (although, in relation to her earlier mention, I hear she ain't all that silent, and actually screams in ecstacy quite loudly in the throes of passion).

At least the sporting word got theirs right. Adidas. All Day I Dream About Sex (although now they claim they dream all day about sport! Hah - After ogling them gymnasts in their thongy leotards flouncing camel toes in their faces, it's an altogether different 'sport' on their minds as they squeeze the baby oil on in the showers).

So, to all my lovely ladies out there, this blog is S.W.A.L.K., just for you!

Mwah! Mwah! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx