Sunday, 17 February 2008

A-harr there Jim laaaad....

I had great plans for today, but the lot got scuppered. Again.

You know how if yer limbs get lobbed off, people still get itches & pains in 'em - Phantom Limb Syndrome, they call it. Well, I got the reverse!

I had slightly achey legs due to Quasaring, but when I got off the bus last night, I could not walk - I had to lurch down the lane in a lumbering fashion! And it wasn't due to the combo of Scrumpy Jack, Magners, Westons & Jacques, but a crippling pain in me Daniel Day-Lewis.

And it's there today! I had to limp to the shop fer bread & milk before Columbo came on in excruciating agony!!

So I've had to spend the day with me feet up (unlike last night in Traffik when I was buried amidst 4 ladies legs. Well, 8 ladies legs, actually, being the number of lower limbs upon 4 ladies.).

"I say, Eddie, do you like putting your feet up?"
"No. I'm not that pervy."

Every time I gets days off work, I gets some illness! It's probably that God Botherer wot cornered me in Haymarkey who's prayed to The Lord to smite me for pointing out the inconsistancies of the Bible. He hath rained down upon me the raspy throat and destabalising slipper filler. Well Lordy, the jokes on you, coz I'm gonna get some Strepsils & a Gothy walking cane upon the morrow!