Tuesday, 2 October 2012

Guess who's been deemed Twat Of The Day...

Stu has, in his big shorts


Men in shorts should not be allowed!

Now, being reluctantly dragged kicking and screaming moved up a few floors from Totty Avenue, I am left with merely a quintet of quim, and occasional passing Pretty, to brighten up my day.

But there's a further downside.

Take today - one of my hot Honeys strides down the corridor. EXTREMELY tight trews (not so much VPL, more POD) and thigh high leather boots!

Oh my!

But then, oh then, a dampening of lustful arousal, as the Manager lumbers past, all barefooted in flappy shorts and soccer shirt.


Talk about setting an egg sample!

Still, at least my pinstripe pretty in equally tight trews sashayed down the corridor, her perfect pert posterior removing the distress of ugly shorted men.

Although that came with the Pretty with the puppies waving her hands in front of my eyes, somewhat amused at my ocular tracking of foxy females.

But I wasn't! I was checking the Mainframe Session in the top left of my monitor!

Honestly! I wasn't ogling over the top!

I was over the top in my ogling though, I suspect...