Wednesday, 18 May 2011

All that she wants is an Arnie baby, she's gone tomorrow...

...but she'll be back!

The Governator once famously announced "Eating is not cheating" when he got caught gash gobbling beaver pie. However, looks like in private ole Dutch has been bellowing "Get to me chopper" to the hired help!

Ah, shagging up the servants and casting the slattern out of the domicile for succumbing to impregnation - who sez Victorian values are dead!

Of course, this is The Sperminator we're talking about - but who's to say this new Upstairs Downstairs Sarah Connor actually had Arnie as The Inseminator? Them Cyberdyne Systems model 101s don't half look suspiciously like Conan The LargeHairy'un.

Shame his chrononautical quest for retro rumpy-pumpy didn't include the phrase "I need your lube, your holes and your motorised vibrator. And a packet of spunkcatchers to be on the safe side."

Maybe Judgement Day ain't so long off - what, John Connor-Schwartzenegger must be 10 now. 3 or 4 more years before another Gallifreyan cyborg tries to chase him through the arcades whilst listening to Axlotl singing about Sweet Childs O' Mine In The Cold November Rain (a T.A.T.U. sapphic snoggage song video).

And then it's off to stop Miles Dyson, and his cyclone cyborg ball technology that never loses suction.

Or was that how the chambermaid started?