...and take their tops off!
Attack! Return! Striking back and consuming France - all implicated the Daucus carota as the wily veg of danger, but according to BBC News it's Cucumis sativus that be raising The Fear in Europe.
It would seen that Professor Gangreen has relocated to Spain, and in Post-Great Tomato Wars suspicion of the killer fruit-cum-vegetable, he's genetically modifying queue-cum-bears as his latest bio-weapon.
The relentless march of the watery vine based salady snack (also in the androgynous fruit/veg confusitory definition) has already slaughtered 1,000s in Germany. Well, 100s. More like 10s.
Actually, 10 victims in total.
The Czech Republic believe the invading produce have infiltrated Hungary and Luxembourg, news of which has so put the windup Austria that they've outlawed aubergines... and tomatoes!
Ah - remember the broadcast:
Not so sure about the rapeage, but if vegetable based self pleasurement if your thing, best stick to Antonio Banned-Hair-Arse bananas.
Or something.
Shit! I have salad in the fridge - best dispose of it quick-smart in case it uses a spaghetti garotte to strangle me in the night!