Wednesday 3 April 2013

All at once...

Would you Adnams and Eve it!

Message comes through:

"It's me birthday! Who wants to celebrate with me at Slimelite on Sat?"

Well, I have nothing else on this weekend - why not! Gimme the times and shizzle, and I'll look into trains. Oooooh - £8 there, £12 back! 20 squid for a night out in Londinium! Ok, I'll book that then.

OK, booked! Yay, I'm off to Lon-don, to buy Heat Magazine...


Ah, someone's texting me! A rareness indeed!

"Xym! It's the missus' birthday! You coming down The WhatACunt on Sat?"

Buggery Fucksticks! The second I commit to something, I gets a conflicting invite to someone else. How rare to be invited out... and it's a Birthday Clash!

Oh well, just have to celebrate one babes birthday in Londiunium this week, and get the other out for a belated birthday bash at ShitPloppin' next week!