Saturday 20 April 2013

Like a gusset with a string...

... as Sandi Shaw once bare-footedly sang.

There appears to be a new fashion among them there clubbing womens. That of the Party Popper.

Not the confetti spraying exposive treat, but the ripcord for the mouse hunting for nob cheese in the unkempt mouse hole and finding only strawberry jamrags.

This mode of attire is presented to full effect by the skank ho tart on the right here. Leg hoisted on high to display her mentrual accoutrément. Ha! So much for consensual "no-strings attached" nobbery here!

Rather than shriek in disgust (disgusset?) at her wanton tampon danglement, I think I may have a New Business Venture for Dragon's Den.

Quim Pulls! The ceramic pussy plug puller!

Decorative fixtures that adorn ye mingemouse tail and give it some bling. Just like a shower cord or bathroom light. Although the point of the light/shower pull is to avoid getting your fingers all wet and getting a shock off the socket, which is somewhat moot if the lubricated lush is frothing at the gash.

Anyhoo, I think I'll start off with this range:
Here, we have:

The Clef
Ideal for clubbers who love music when on the blob.

The Fishy Fanny
For those ladies who need a can of FeBreeze up their chuff after a good nights clubbin' and grindin' and snoggin'. and fingerin'. And the fishes may end up covered in batter too!

The Pussy
A ceramic pussy... for your pussy!

The Jeremy Kyle
Bog standard poundland special for the lovely chavettes who sit at home all day long having unprotected sex with the occasional break for drink and drugs.

Yep - think I'm on to a winner here! Xym the Entrepeneur! Don't know if Alan Sugar will go for it - have to try that Square Shouldered Man-Thing what looked like Jessie J crossed with Kosh and a smack in the face with a brick that was on the last series.