Monday 29 April 2013

The Abdominal Snowxym...

Ooooh, thought The Xym, one of the Local takeaways is doing Nepalese grubs!

"Oh, here we go! Another round of so-called humourous deliberate misinterpretations about jugs and nipple-ease cuisine" [readers voice]

Au contraire, dear Reader! How little you know me!

Anyhew, I've heard of Nepal,and I was hoping for something different. A Yak's sack saag? A shank of Sherpa in a spicy sauce? A Tikka Tibetean marinaded in meditative madras? Curried kebabs made from chillied Yeti cocks with a lotus flower raita.

No such exotic viands to sample. Bog standard Chicken Lazis, which is probably Tibetean for Chickens with laser eyes. or something,

So I gave it a whirl. Fairly hot, it said. Well, maybe it is if you're sat in naught but a burnt orange saffron robe on a snow laden icy glacier! Mild as mild as mild can be!

On the downside, I know know why them there bell fingered Tripitaka types wear orange clothes.

It's because they keep spilling their tea all over themselves!

Just tipping the poultry dish onto a plate, and my hands and nails were stained an oranger shade of Oompa-Loompa, so imagine if I was sat there in a flimsy white smock, trying to eat a Buddhist Balti whilst precariously balancing a plate on me knee as I stuff me face between chants of Om Mani Padmé Skywalker and dripping Jalfrezi all over me djabelly and smearing my greasy orangey fingers all over it!

Them gee-whore-dy Shore, TOWIE, Valley facial tans? They've just been motorboarding bowls of murgh masaala for that golden hue about their chops!

On the plus side - I could fling it all over the kitchen walls. Not only get a nice terracotta effect, but It'll small all nice and Himalayan kitcheny.

Mmmmmm Himalayan kitcheny... Roasted Sasquatch scrotums & BBQ Bigfoot feets...