Monday 8 April 2013

Ding dong the Bitch is dead...

Which old Bitch?

Maggie Thatcher, MILF's snatch hair!

Thieved the babies of their milk and robbed the Northerners of their coal!

Flogged the council houses off cheap to chavscum so there's no social housing left, and the only houses available have sky high rents charged by evil Chavscum who bought their council houses on the cheap and reclassified themselves Landlords and raked in the cash whilst claiming their dole money.

That witch!

And now she's dead.

And that's literally all I know of Thatcher. I was too busy watching Children's Telly and dicking about in college listening to Frank Sidebottom and reading Viz.

But I'm from Bolton. Home of Peter "Garlic Bread" Kaye and Stu "Ooooh I could crush a grape" Francis. And being a Northern lad, I'm obligated to loathe Thatch on nothing other than being from Oop Norf in t'shadow o' t'dark, Satanic mills.

So now I'm off to party like I's no longer 1979. or something.