Tuesday 16 April 2013

He'll be the Xym by the kerb...

In the gutter...


Looks like The Xym is out of a job soon!

Some people are right miserable, useless gormsters, who burst into tears at the drop of a hat, and complain about you because of the ingrained idiocy.

See I was extremely busy t'other day. In the midst of complicated coding, compiling and expediting, requiring a lot of concentration.

Unfortunately, some tool had the idea to roll out an office tool called Communicator, which is an instant messaging thingy. So some creting will, at the drop of a hat, send you a message that pops on on the screen and interrupts your business.

Unfortunately, I'm not very tolerate of incompetent tomfoolery from crybabies who still think The Xym is psychic.

The interruption was:
"Some user has some difficulty on some system. Can you add the user to some tables".

Which, as a request, is somewhat less than moronic. Not only do I not know what user they're blathering on about, I have no idea what this difficulty is. Nor do I know what system it is. Come to mention it, they don't even explain what tables need this user adding to!

And apparently, I'm in trub for being unhelpful!

And I couldn't have picked a worse time, coz we're about to have another reorg (who'd've thunk it!), and I'm now right at the top of the radar and the firing line of redundance is pointed at unhelpful ole me.

OK, so I may have been a bit sarcastic in pointing out that asking their request was like me asking him to change some SQL to get that report correct with the specific figures for that system on that database for a particular spreadsheet.

But no - Xym is the bad guy because some 'tard thought "someone having some problem with something and need to be added to something somewhere" is an acceptable request to me.

If you ask me, is the gobshite who pesters you with dumbass queries who should be sacked! If you can't manage to formulate your request in a fashion that can be interpreted, you deserve being made redundant.

Me - I'd've said: "Hi, User [user's name/ID] cannot [log on/process data/gets message {message shown}] when using [Name of System]. I think it's because they're [not on/removed from] table [table name]. Can you add them in please, or do I have to raise a request to your team?"

Obviously not - that would be too helpful. Clearly I'm supposed to suck it up and not challenge the vagueness of unspecified users having unspecified problems on an unspecified system, and just go ahead and add the unspecified users to an unspecified table.

So it looks like Xym's heading for unemployment when the next reorg comes along.

Still, at least them I can join the Jeremy Kyle set, which my days off have shown are nothing but staying on the dole having unprotected sex all day long with multiple partners, with the occasional break for a drugs fix.

Remember to toss a coin in my flamboyant hat when you see me huddled in the Iceland Doorway, now the other tramp has been evicted.