Friday 12 April 2013

Zombie van assault

Must remember this excuse if I ever have a car crash.

"I was being chased by Zombies. I tried to shake them off, but I swerved off the road instead."

Quite clearly this must be the truth, coz no bodies were found clinging to the car, nor strewn around the van.

Foolproof! No evidence to prove there wasn't any zombies attacking, as they clearly wandered off to hunt for brains elsewhere, as you can only shoot zombies in the bonce!

For some reason, the Tennessee police didn't believe his story, charging him with reckless driving, vehicle theft, attempted vehicle theft, driving without a licence and involvement in a hit-and-run resulting in injury.

Typical US police frame up! I bet they took the hitchikers out the back of his lorry though, took them into the woods, tied them to a tree, raped them for days, then buried them in a shallow grave after a long torture session.

One rule for untouchable corrupt backwater coppers, and other for serial killers pursued by the undead. It's political correctness gone mad (or is it Health and Safey with Zombies. It's probaby racist calling minority groups of reanimated activity zombies. That'll be me sued by the "life challenged" lobby then. or something).