Tuesday 9 April 2013

I scream, you scream...

And we're all creaming it off on Free Ice Cream Day!

Yes, today is Ben & Jerry's free cone day, where they give away tonnes of free ice cream.

Nom nom nom nom!!!

Now, we were going to have a Team Outing to Vue, as we'd checked the official website, and it said the Participating Stores were Castle Mall, and Odeon down Riverside.

However, we just checked, and the sites been revised, and the only store in Norwich giving away free ice cream is Odeon.

And no-one could be arsed trekking down there.

I suggested getting a taxi, or even better - hire a limo, then swank about town indulging in icy treats behind shaded windows.

But no-one was having any of it.

I rather suspect the Office Pretties may have felt a bit uncomfortable at the thought of stripping down to their bare scuddies in a mobile jacuzzi and letting me drink melted ices from their busoms.

As if I had that in mind!

So Xym went without ice cream
