Friday 26 April 2013

I thought I saw a Farcebook post...

I thinks I be a-goin' mad!

"Wotcha mean 'thinks', Xym! You're a certifiable loon!"

Oi! Shurrup you! I resemble that remark!

Anyhow, just before we set off for a Team Lunch down The Queen Of Iceni, thought I'd quickly check Farcebook.

Now, you know as t'other week we wuz checking out The Marquee as a potential venue for a new Alternative clubnight coz The WhatACunt only caters for Modern Alternative.

Well, one of the EMO metal DJs threw a right old girly hissy fit over the whole damn thing, coz it clashed with his club night (being a totally different kind of music). Eventually, everyone was happy, as it's 2 different audiences.

So what was on Farcebook?

One of the Waterfont "alternative" guys:
We are looking at the 2nd of 3 possible venues, to host an new alternative night. Punk, trad-goth, etc. To be on the same night as ShitPloppin' so it doesn't clash with any of OUR alternative nights"

Whoa - everyone agreed there was no competition as the music was totally different! And the 1st Sat was picked as it only clashed with Rawkus - every other Sat clashed with bigger, better alternative events - Wraith, Slimelight, etc. And out of the blue, The WhatACunt just happens to be looking to host a near identical event in direct competition?

As all know, The Xym is the last to cry conspiracy, but this has the stench of baby's thrown his toys out the pram and ran to his mam, and mum, all upset at her wailing offspring, has promised to put on a bigger performance to teach them bad bully boys a lesson!

So The Xym replied with query - is this in response to the DJ bawling his eyes out? Have they not spoke to Asylum about sharing the new night and working together?

Almost immediately it got a like!

Now, here's the maddening bit. Gets to the boozer, and Plink! off goes the mowbli. Ooooh, a Farcebook notification! "Hi Xymon! I'm confussed...". So I click on the link. Farcebook opens, and...

...The page you are trying to visit is not available. It may have been deleted or removed

But I almost instantly replied! It can't have gone that fast, surely! They again... And again...

Scroll thought Farcebook feed... Can't find the post... Heck... Can't find the Friend Page... Wait a minute... It's not in me link list anymore! Heck, mebbe it's this lastest crappification of the Farcebook app on me phone. I'll have a quick check when I get back...

And now the notification has gone too! All trace vanished! Has The Xym been blocked? Did he imagine it all? Is The WhatACunt still making their nefarious plans to challenge Asylum, but doing it all secret like? What's goings on!

Any nayone else has seen it! Not even notifications to those people/groups tagged!

I must've slipped into a parallel universe on me way to the pub, one where the post was never made, but I retained all details of the previous reality where is was made.

Or something.

A wise person once said:
Remember, somewhere in an alternative reality, you are Batman. If you can be anyone - be Batman!.

Bugger that! Batman only got Catwoman occasionally, as she kept running off being a bad girl. If you can be anyone, be The Joker, coz you not only get Harley Quimm, but she'll let you boff Catwoman during Ms Kyle's off times during her on-off relationship with Bats!