Wednesday, 12 December 2007

And now it’s half past three...

Last Xmas, I dint give anyone me heart, BUT I did partake of quizment, and got a right old gobful on one of my questions. I simply asked "Which came first? The chicken or the egg?".

Now, there is a definitive answer to this alleged conundrum, and it's dead simple when you think about it.

The answer is, of course, The Egg.

Now, popular culture will then try and confound you with tales along the lines of "well, there had to be a chicken to lay the egg, but there had to be an egg for there to be a chicken in the first place".

Hiffle and piffle and old plum pud, say I!

After watching that Jurassic Pork, it became clear that there were eggs way back then in 1993, however - was Jeff Goldblum pecked by the peckers of cocks, or gnawed upon by hens? No (apart from that pre-wedding party that got out of hand)! Out of them eggs came a variety of monstrous beasties hell bent on savaging bit-part extras to death.

But no chickens, you'll notice.

Take a trip round a museum - what do you see? Velociraptors, brick like legosaurus's, pain in the bum Feckinsaurus, and Marc Bolan's band. Any collossal chickens maurauding through the triassic foliage?

I think not!

So, as chickens evolved from teenysaurus's, we can safely say that the egg came before the chicken, coz there were no chickens in prehistoric times. What eventually became chickens through æons of evolution were not chickens, but roostersaurus's, or something. Ergo, eggies first, cheekychick later.

Poor old Neanderthal, missing out on the Kingsize Family Fuckit. Actually, sod that - they probably nipped down the KFP (Kentucky fried pterodactyl) and argued if it should be a KFT, and if they were being served poorer quality pteranadons passed off as pterodactyls. Be a rather short argument though, mainly consisting of each party shouting "Ug" at each other and walloping them over the bonce with a jawbone and dragging their opponents wives off by the hair.

Which can be quite difficult if she's Brazilian, or so I'm led to believe...