Sunday, 30 December 2007


There's a telly ad for beer at the moment which really annoys me.

There's this spaceship wot approaches some new planetary life force. So, the crew all trek out on the gantry to gain mystical secrets and knowledge.

And one's wearing trainers.

Now, trainers aren't exactly the most vacuum sealed of footwear, so all the atmos in his spacesuit will be sucked out from around his ankles, and through the laceholes of his ludicrous choice of foot cover.

So, in all probablility, this tosser is dying from lack of oxygen (although I could go for quite a while without hearing Sweet or Jean Michelle Jarre before I popped me clogs - or trainers, in this instance). Anyhoo, the big superior life form denies them entry to the planet as it 'doesn't make the rules'.

The asphyxiating tosspiece then reckons that he thought they looked quite smart! Hello! I may be no fashionista, but those trainers with that spacesuit? No way on Earth!

And they're not on Earth, so it don't matter!

Anyways, the crew then decide (because one of them won't get in wearing trainers) to spend an eternity looking for other marvels by trying somewhere else!  Why couldn't they just tell him to pop in the airlock and put some proper boots on?
