Saturday, 16 July 2011

People! LeStrange! And when you're LeStrange... er... um...

Oh yeah!

Faces get lovely, burglaring banks!

After spectacles of marketplace pugilistic punchups as one munches on brunch, it's off to devirginate the 3D iMax experience.

Hmmm... I know the character is now 'legal', as evidenced by previous films nudie snogment and highly suggestive lezzing up. But is it really necessary for so many severe drenchings? Trying for Miss Wet Corset 2011 are we? Miss Slick Clingy Skirt VPL 2011?

Not to mention the drop freeze, with camera suspiciously angled right down the be-bodiced kle'varg of polyjuiced Pretties.

Blimey - I half expected a Matrix style frozen 180° rotation shot for a gozz right up her golden snitch!

But, oh my, the subtle blending of Dr Watson with über Pretty Bella... me wants one! It's 
über Pretty, but now über über über Pretty!

And Julie Walters is no longer permissible as a recurring default quiz answer. She is to be stricken from the records and never mentioned in my presence ever again.