Friday 24 October 2008

Dead or alive...


Fox by name, and certainly by nature!

Although, I'm a tad bemused by her recruitment methods.

Now, if some assassinatory pretty absconded me in her car, you certainly wouldn't have found me howling in the car like a big girls blouse. All it takes is a smile from the Lady and I'd've signed up!

Not to mention the view with a pretty driving the car utilizing only her heels.

Not exactly sure why you have to spend a couple of weeks being tied to a chair and violently duffed up.

Still, you learn something new every day.

Such as the recupertive powers of Lard!!!

Been duffed up - all broken boned, and deepy cut and bruised? No worries! Lie in a bathtub of melted lard, and wait till it sets. Then, crack it off your face, and hey presto - all wounds healed!!

Although, for major injury recovery, I want wot Sarah Connor has got. Cameron - great gashes about the face, staple, staple, staple, scarry face. Sarah - Explosion, Car crash, smack in the face from a T-Umpteen, shrapnel in the face, broken ribs - lie down for an hour and not a mark on her!

By now, she should be a scary scarred burnt faced limping hag - but no, she remains impervious to the result of any deep cut or break, and is back to her beautiful best after a slight kip!

Yeah, of course she's got all these terrorist/gunrunners teaching her how to bring up a Leader Of Men And Saviour Of Mankind, but they hardly ever refer to the League Of Plastique Sturgeons she has in every town.

And the selfish cow never lets them doll up Cameron! She has to make do with stapley cheeks, whilst Sarah gets everything corrected in her afternoon nap!

Which leaves John plenty of time to get nobbing the Terminator pretty!

Awww, she lurves him! Yeah, I bet! I reckon he built her as a ShagBot, and sent her back in time to give himself a hot bit of dedicated compliant crumpet to get his end away with!

Subject identified... John Connor
Status............... Terminate
Mission Directive.... Death by sex