New course offered to kerb crawlers
How cool is that! A masterclass in prozzie pickups! A complete tutorial on how to obscure your number plates and ask Ladies of the Night if they're Doing Business!
That said, I wonder if there's an Advanced Course. Much is made of this Speed Dating, but what of speed kerb crawling? Sidle up to the skank and discuss what your Euros will get you, then when your three mins is up, a beep of the horn (oo-er missus), and it's crawl along to the next ho. At the end of the evening you see how many boxes get ticked and pick your perfecto prozzie!
And instead of trying to spot the married ones on the lookout for a fling, you can play spot the undercover cop on the lookout for fleshpot afficionadoes.
Courses for Whoresies!