Saturday, 17 January 2009

Better cut down on yer Porklife, mate...

There's an upcoming hour long documentary on the tellybox soon called "What aren't thin people fat?"

Well, it's bloody obvious to me!

Thin people aren't fat, because they're thin! 

If they were fat, they'd be fat people!

Maybe I'm missing some huge scientific revelation here, but surely you don't need to explain that thin people aren't fat because they're thin. Once they cease being thin, they're no longer thin. They're fat!

What's next?
Why aren't short people tall?
Why aren't circles square?
Why aren't cars bissexuals?

Of course - may the title's wrong? May be it's "Why don't thin people get fat" - which is even worse. You can't be fat without starting off thin.

Unless your mum raised you on ginsters pasties since birth.

I used to be a svelte 28" waisted stickboy when I moved to Norwich, now I'm a vast mountain of gelatine repulsive to they eyes of Norfolk ladyfolk.

Proof enough that thin people can get fat!

I'm gonna have to get a job with The Media, as you can make up any old shite and get a documentary out of it!
