Thursday, 29 January 2009

Having a bit of a "blonde moment"...

I'm in the phone booth
It's the one across the hall
If you don't answer
I'll just ring it off the wall!!

Hold on - why's she ringing him up from t'other side of the hall? Surely it would be easier to knock on the door or natter through the keyhole? 

And it's not as if his mum's there to embarass him - she's gorn to work (or to the store).

Unless, of course, she lives across the hall from some late night Priest Chat type 0898 phoneporn bloke. Mayhap she prefers his dulcet tones giving her a strange sensation, tipping the velvet as he recites a frantastic Shipping Forcast as she thrashes about in the throes of orgasmic pleasure.

Which can be a tad embarassing in the hallway when his mum suddenly comes home with his tea.

Oh, I can't control myself!
Oh! Oh! I can't control myself!
Oh! Oh! Oooooh! I can't control myself!
Don't leave me panting on the telephone...