In yet another terrorist attack, Al Quaeda have taken a murder of crows to the limit and genetically engineered a race of psychotic pigeons!
Taking a leaf out of Daphne Du Marier and Alf Hitchcock (famed for constantly lifting his reproductive organ), they've only gone and bread a race of super strength suicide fowl to swoop down and pick up western unbelievers, to be carried off to their hidden lair to feast upon infiden entrails.
Luckily, ole Arsehola Bin-Liner didn't have any Brits to train them on, so he had to use monitor lizards.
And, due to an Arabic-to-Pigeon-English translation error, the result was that the jyhaddi aeronauts just kept nicking pewter screens.
Unfortunately, this played into Arsehola's hands, and he set up a website so that gullible gormsters would log onto to a site to access their PC anywhere in the world, so he could pop in the back door and bring down Western Civilisation through some ecomonic credit crunchy virus. And indulge in a bit of Identitty Theft (nicking some birds name and turning his djebella into a dress).
But the fool forgot that without their pewter screen, they wouldn't be able to see the web.
And those that did have screens, didn't have keyboards, as the pigeons forgot about them.
Especially the policing ones, as they preferred guitars...