Tuesday, 30 December 2008

The strongest gay in the village...

I know The Gays are all proud of their alternative lifestyle these days, but do that have to thust it in our faces?

Their sexuality, that is, not their cocks.

They thrust them in our faeces via our bottoms.

Or something.

Anyhew, it was only a matter of time before they started taking on nom de plume's relating to their sexual picadilloes (or their sexual piccolo, if you know what I mean, and I'm sure that you do!)

I was watching the telly, when the Worlds Strongest Man came on, and one of the contestants is called Fill Fister.

Fill fister!! Fill F, more like! ie Filth!!

A fister he may be, 'fill'ing ladyboys up the elbow with his greasy arms, but there's no need to come on telly, all beefcaked up and brag about it!

Slathering grease all over himself to better hold Atlas's balls indeed... more like getting ready for bumfun in the Jim!

I wondered why they always rub talc over their hands...