Saturday, 27 December 2008

When in Rome...

..Do as the Romans do.

Now, I may be wrong here, but surely Thompson and First Choice are encouraging larger louty behaviour abroad with this popular adage.

For what did the Romans do when they were in Rome?

{apart from the sanitation, the medicine, education, wine, public order, irrigation, roads, a fresh water system, and public health}

Well, it was all drinking wine, stuffing their faces and spewing it up, orgies, and feeding Christians to the lions.

Much of which is performed by these Boozed up Brits on holiday... apart from the lions. Although they probably fed Christian a loin steak (none of that furrin food abroad! A proper full English, a steak or roast for tea, and a proper british kebab pizza on the way back to the hotel at 5am).

Although Pontius Pilates washed his hands - more than can be said for these filth ridden gormsters who can't even glance at a sink after a piss in fear of being called a poof! "Wash my hands? That's only a step away from rubbing in hand cream. And that bog troll ain't rubing his cream all over my hands, I can tell you!".

At least the Romans wore a Xena skirt over their speedos...