Sunday, 21 December 2008

Textin’ in chigago (down in New Orleans)...

Apparently, if you get a T-Mobile phone, you'd better ensure you don't need a top-up. For if you do, you'll be chased out of the store by some mental orientals who'll tackle you to the floor.

Yes, there's molestin' in the street!

I wouldn't mind a bit of improper dancing in the middle of the street if it was a couple of them Harajuku type Manganese Battle Vixens - all short skirts and exploding blouses, but instead you get flung to the floor by a pair of middle age doggers who start stroking you and carressing your face.

Singapore swingers should not resort to virtual rape, just because a customer needs to top up their phone. Unless they misinterpreted "top up on the phone" as a request for the haggard old trout to lift her top up for bazooka exposure for cameraphone snappage.

And perhaps this street sexual assault is their response - happy slapping in the most slappery sense!
I'm on Vodafone, so all I get is the descrepit old crone in the Co-Op requesting my Sharecard, not wrestled to the ground by vodaphonic vixens.

I dread to think what the O2 Bolt-Ons are... sounds suspiciously like an enhanced version of a Strap-On, but involving nuts.

Or something.

And I ain't being ravished by a Hong Dong Honey for a £5 top-up...

A tenner, on the other hand...