I appear to have entered one of them there parallel universes!
Seems that today, I have either become invisible, or I died in me sleep and am wandering about the city in some ectoplasmic residual form. (The latter means that I could be all poultygoosey, and instead of throwing pubescent trollops across bedrooms, my spectral spirit is tippy-typing away in the netherworld, which is better than trip-trapping over me netheregions. Or something).
Anyhoo, as I blithely meander about the city, I see many an acquaintance... all of whom suddenly have Business Elsewhere, or blank me so blindly that I could be a blankety-blank board with all the non-blankety blanked words also blankety blanked out!
Even waveage of the arms in an attention seeking fashon avails me not! Although my haunted shade did catch the second sight of Pondy on the second pass by. Oh, and one other tried to exorcise my demonic apparition via the application of Perambulator Of Casting Out rammage.
On the other hand, I could be dreaming I'm awake.
Which is a bit late in coming, as I could have done without last nights shiteness that was the WhatACunt's inept attempt at letting EMO band members play at being incompetent DJs.
Although, last night could have been a dream also, as there was a new Significant Pretty at The Doghouse, and Certain Significant Pretties in The WhatACunt... HOWEVER, in the words of Malcolm Reynolds:
"Y'all are making a big deal and I would appreciate it if one person on this boat did not assume I was an evil, lecherous hump."