Saturday, 21 February 2009

No. Sleep. Till Bedtime...

Do I? Don't I?

All rotund through birthday feastage...

All sleepy due to late night traversment home after seeing blackly testosterousered comedy folk...

All bleurgh due to various airbourne ailments...

Even more ancient due to the annual passage of spawning anniversary...

All light abut the wallet due to the penny pinching pickpocketing pixie, for the vast sums of cash that weighed down me wallet seem to have evaporated in the presence of Robyn Hoode types...

Let's see what's on the Window To Hell Showing Trapped Souls Performing For Our Pleasure... What's this... The StaTURDays? WTF?? Ruining a classic Depeché Mode song?

I need copious amounts of Jacques to get over THAT performance!