but the flames rose higher
and it burns, burns, burns
The Ring Of Fire...
Outraged and spluttering at the cost of a diet coke, a cider, and a vodka & lemonade (£9!!!!), I settle down to watch some telly.
Timecheck: 5:30. Ace! Time to watch yesterdays tapeage of Dexter before Hollyoaks!!
PLAY. FF Credits. Watchy watchy. FF adbreadk. Watchy watchy. FF adbreak. etc.
WHAT?!?! It's 7:18?!?! That means a 1hr show, skipping the adverts, took almost 2 hours!!!
So, clearly not a Roti Ringstinger - it's alien abduction and anal probement of the most sordid and debased kind... and all time manipulated so that my viewing was seamlessly uninterrupted!!
I daren't watch the taping of Supernatural now, in case I get mistaken for a cow, get mutilated, and then dumped in a field from a great height (or onto Princess Whatsherface. Whoeee-Dawggy! Groovy!!).
Yikes! Space helmeted Psycrows on the loose!