Seems like Barbie has taken the T-Shirt slogan to heart, and turned into a right dolly of the night!
Apparently, her latest look is black PVC and fishnets, calling herself Black Canary Girl Barbie, causing outrage at this peddled filth!
Barbie in a brothel!
Still, that the kids of the Naughties for you. Pregnant at 9 through slapper dolls and alcopops. And you can't blame the parents, as according to the Gruesome Twosome in the Creepy Coupe (or rather Dodgy Renault Scenic), it's all "Responsible Parenting".
Then again, seeing as they can't tell the truth or keep their story straight, it probably means something along the lines of "UNresponsible Parenting With Spin So As Not To Get Justly Nicked For Neglect".
Ooooh, they'd better not "get off' tomorrow...