Thursday, 3 July 2008

Love under swill...

Them greybeards are quite fond of sending monkeys up into space, and justify it by claiming that the chimps "have a whale of a time".

No so aboard the Swinetrek! I recall the crew being all happy and jolly - witness the joy:

Hold on a moment... Dr Strangepork doesn't look too happy.. in fact, he looks a bit of an old miseryarse! I reckon he got tossed off ship by Capn Link Hogthrob and set up camp on Moonbase Alpha from where he decided to market greeting cards to amaze friends & family. Great cards, funny cards for every imaginable occasion! Each and every card personalized to create something unique...

Honestly, look at the happyness on this snout:
Now, to me, that looks like one ANGRY moonpig! Just look at that snarl - the fury of being jettisoned off to the lunar landscape has driven him mad! Ridley Scott's Alien? P'tah! Imagine that porcine behemoth rampaging through the Nostromo, bursting out of stomachs brandishing a personalised card on the occasion of gammon gouging out yer gut in a bacon beserker brough-ha-ha.

In fact, that pig has an expression much like many people subjected to moonpiggery jinglement...

Moonpiiiig... MOOONPIIIIG!
Moonpig dot com!

Piiiiigs Iiiiiiiiiin Spaaaaaaaaaace!!