Seems that the greybeards of the day are in dire need of incontinent astronauts!
It turns out that NASA is developing a spacey rocket that runs on urine, and need tena ladied ladies to remove their sodden teabags and donate their widdle to the space race so they can test the new Orion spacecraft.
But it would appear that the cash hungry government is one step ahead, and already has traffic wardens patrolling the lunar surface, ever ready to slap a fine on an unsuspecting space shuttle or flying saucer that just happens to overrun by one minute.
To avoid paying out more cash to The Man, the purpose of the Orion is dead simple - it'll drop astronauts on the moon, then go off into orbit for 6 months until it has to pick up the astronauts again.
However, seems more like a school run by granny! Then again, being all dribbly about the nether regions, she can fuel the orbiting shuttle for years on end. As long as the astonuts don't decide to "pull down their pants and water the plants", for that would mightily (not to mention literally) piss off Victor Carune as he sheds his spore laden tendrils about cathedrals.
And all because Urine Gagarin was the first man in space...