OK, so you're rolling about on the floor, picking up all manner of mucky pawprints, stale beer and sticky floor deposits. Ruining your bestest outfit and griming yerself up like some tramp.
And if that wasn't enough, you're flooding your pantaloons with bodily fluids, and making further rollings about so it seeps into your outer garments, and onto the already filthy floor, attracting more litter and, chewing gum and Doctors to ahere to your clothes and hair.
Now, a humourescent comment may indeed be pant wettingly hilarious, but to ensure that you get your own urine all over your clothes and rolling about in dust and debris to express how comical you find such a witty jape, is surely a step to far!
A hearty laugh, a guffaw or a chortle should suffice, not soiling yourself and writhing about amongst the detrius to coat yourself in a film of filth!
Let alone texting me to boast of your pervy response to jestorial banter!