Monday 13 June 2011

The only one-eyed gnome..

Has come to take me away...

Well, The Charlatans were almost right, for the Stamp Gnome oftens comes and takes my things away - usually right before I need 'em.

But not me - not even a misshapen dwaven lady won't take such a repulsive troll such as myself.

Anyhoo, 'they' say to beware of men whose eyebrows meet in the middle, coz they're either crooks or werewolves.

Judging by the thievery of the Stamp Gnome, quite clearly ye olde adage of ye olde baggage is correct - for he's a kleptomaniac crook!

But not a werewolf. For a unibrow, quite clearly is a single brow - and the one creature that legitimately sports a unibrow is the Cyclops!

Which makes the Stamp Gnome a dwarven Scott Summers, nicking me laser pointer and wraparound shades, and pretending to shoots lasers at un-unibrow'd wolverines.

So, far from the monobrow indicating a modicum of lycanthropy, it's more a vindictive, short, grudge-bearing, thieving, wee one-eyed bastard, with a fetish for X-men costumery and zapping werewolves with his laser eyes.

Only a man who's tall of height
And shaves his brows at night
Won't become a wolf when the wolfsbane blooms
Because eyebrow topiary is a pretty ridiculous identification method for identifying transmorphing shapeshifters if you ask me!